Hello reader, You’ve stumbled onto my new blog! I’ve been getting really into taking notes latley, and have wanted to getback into more longform writing. I had this old blog once that I posted in like 4 times about 7 years ago, and liked the name. This format seemed to fit how I wanted to post up to a blog, so I’m taking a leap, and trying it out.
Introductions, My name is Hal, and I’m a 30 something electrical engineer that really likes a bunch of nerd shit. Most manners of engineering (Mainly FW, Hardware, Software, and a bit of mechanical), but I also really like a good boardgame, Tabletop RPG, wargames, 80’s to early 2000s anime, and the occasional PC/videogame.
I’m also heavily involved in my local Hardcore punk and Industrial / Goth music scenes, playing in bands and booking shows. Graphic design is cool too.
Basically, I have way too many hobbies and interests. I figured there might be a chance that some of the stuff that I do might be useful to someone. Maybe some of my ideas aren’t even on the internet yet? Who’s to say. But yeah, if you’re into that stuff, stick around. Thanks for reading, -Hal
Here’s some art from my favorite demo tape for a cool thumbnail