The past couple of months, I’ve had this project I’ve really wanted to make. My friend Alex makes one of my favorite board games, “Giga-Robo”. The main online resource for this game is the Board Game Geek forums, but It would be really cool to have a resource for the game similar to netrunner.db. Allowing users to create new builds, and share them around.
Now, I’m not exactly a web programmer. To be honest, I kindof hate it. At least, my previous experiences with web development have made me hate it. But, like most other things I don’t really like, maybe It’s me? Maybe web development isn’t that bad. (Maybe this has something to do with me becoming a hardware / Firmware developer?).
But, I want this thing to exist for this game I like more than I hate coding for the internet, so it seems like it’s time to learn a new thing, and find parts of web development that I don’t totally hate. After scrubbing through a few different stacks, I landed on c# for the backend, and React for the front end, and I think it’s working out alright.
I’ll be posting up things I learn, and eventually using this blog as Documentation for the site, which will be completely open source. If you have a board game / card game you’d like to give a similar treatment, feel free to fork and make it your own.
So yeah, if you wanted to learn the highest level of web programming from a low level Firmware engineer, this is the place. Maybe I’ll end up answering some questions that might not be answered from that perspective other places.